Why is International Women's Day so important? International Women's Day (IWD) is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Each year, this day serves...
Marketing Bulldog

The 10 Best Movements You're Not Using Your Bench For

You may think of your weight bench as more of an ‘accessory’ than a piece of kit in it’s own right. But if you think your bench is designed solely for, well, ‘benching’, you’re not using it to it’s full potential.

Add some of these movements into your rotation and upgrade your bench game.

Shopify API
Roll With it: Six Alternative Uses For Your Foam Roller

Roll With it: Six Alternative Uses For Your Foam Roller

If you’ve ever used a foam roller before, then you know how beneficial it can be for relieving sore muscles, speeding up recovery and improving mobility. But did you know that there are several alternative uses for your foam roller?
Team Bulldog
The Bar’s Open: The Bulldog Gear Open Hex Bar

The Bar’s Open: The Bulldog Gear Open Hex Bar

Everyone wants a bar that's purposefully engineered to help them lift the heaviest weights imaginable, in the safest way possible. One that they can load and unload it without hurting their backs, and even take for a walk... So we made one- The Bulldog Gear Open Hex Bar
Team Bulldog
How Do I Know Which Bar is For me? Our Barbell Comparison Guide

How Do I Know Which Bar is For me? Our Barbell Comparison Guide

The barbell is the quintessential tool of weight training- perhaps only superseded by the humble dumbbell- but unlike the dumbbell there are a lot of options when it comes to picking the right bar. Let us run you through some of our offerings, so you can make the right decision for your needs.

Team Bulldog
Gym Hacks: The Foam Roller Hack Squat

Gym Hacks: The Foam Roller Hack Squat

In lieu of the space in your home gym for a large hack squat machine, this foam roller alternative requires just a pair of dumbbells or a barbell, a foam roller and a clear, stable wall to support your back.
Andrew Tracey
Is The Anabolic Window Real? Trainer Explains

Is The Anabolic Window Real? Trainer Explains

Is it true that I need to get protein in immediately after I train? Is a post-workout shake really that important? Our fitness editor Andrew Tracey puts the so-called 'anabolic window' to the test.

Andrew Tracey
Get a Grip: 8 Different Pull-up Grips and Their Benefits

Get a Grip: 8 Different Pull-up Grips and Their Benefits

If you’ve already mastered the basics and you’re firmly on the righteous path of the pull-up we’ve got eight new variations for you to spice up your regime with next time you hit the bar, along with the rationale behind performing each version.
Andrew Tracey
The Best Movement You're Not Doing: The Kneeling Half Moon

The Best Movement You're Not Doing: The Kneeling Half Moon

The Kneeling Plate Half Moon takes a simple shoulder drill, encourages you to go heavy, then literally brings you to your knees. Your core is going to have to work overtime with this one.
Andrew Tracey
Is it Really 80% Diet, 20% Nutrition? Trainer Explains

Is it Really 80% Diet, 20% Nutrition? Trainer Explains

Is it really '80% diet vs. 20% nutrition'? It’s a statement that's heard so much many of us accept it as a piece of ‘common wisdom’. But is it actually true? Our in-house coach Andrew Tracey takes a look.

Andrew Tracey
The Best Movement You’re Not Doing: The Odd Object Get-up

The Best Movement You’re Not Doing: The Odd Object Get-up

The 'odd object get-up' takes many, if not most, of the benefits of it’s cousin- 'The Turkish Get-up' and funnels them through a brutish, awkward wrestle against an untameable implement, building rugged, full body strength in the process.
Andrew Tracey
Georgina Gabriel’s Top Mobility Tips: Tip Three- Why Prioritize Your Mobility?

Georgina Gabriel’s Top Mobility Tips: Tip Three- Why Prioritize Your Mobility?

Short on time and not sure if you should prioritize your mobility? Yoga instructor, Crossfit coach and movement specialist Georgina Gabriel shares the third in a series of her top tips when working to improve your range of motion.
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